
- Approx. 500 grams foie gras
– 2 large ripe mangos
– 20 sprigs leafless chopped coriander
– juice of 1 lemon
– juice of 1 orange
– 4 tablespoons reduced duck stock
- 1 tablespoon runny honey
– salt, pepper, nutmeg and unrefined salt


Dice the mango into +/- 0.5 cm cubes and marinate them for 30 minutes in the refrigerator with 10 sprigs of coriander, half of the lemon and orange juice.
Slice the foie gras to a thickness of 1.5 cm and keep it chilled.
In a frying pan on the plancha grill, boil the honey with a little salt and pepper.
Deglaze with the marinade juice, duck stock and reduce.
Brown the mangos on the Teppanyaki for one minute and the slices of foie gras for 30 seconds on each side.


After cooking season the foie gras with nutmeg, pepper and unrefined salt.
Add the rest of the coriander to the jus and blend to bring out the flavours of the herb.